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Beer Review: Columbus Brewing Company – 90 Shilling Ale

The photo does not do it justice!

The photo does not do it justice!

I was at a Columbus Blue Jackets game tonight, and for a number of reasons, I was forced to drink Miller Lite instead of a local craft brew or one of my Canadian favorites.  Needless to say, I was thirsty after a tie game, overtime, and a shoot-out (which ended in a CBJ loss -auuugh).  On the way home I decided to pick up a six pack of something local: my choice was Columbus Brewing Company’s 90 Shilling Ale.

As soon as I opened 90 Shilling Ale, I could smell its spicy nose.  Its aroma reminded me of A Winter’s Ale I had on a cold December some years ago.  Like that beer, this one had a copper color, but lighter than the winter brew.

Initially, it tastes like a winter brew, but it did not have the spicy undertones. The flavor is slightly nutty, with just a hint of aged scotch.  It gave me a comfortable feeling like I might feel sitting before a fireplace completely relaxed and warm.  It’s dry, fine bubbles make sipping more favorable than gulping.  Its perfect for a cold November.

Unlike many winter brews that are only available in the Winter (go figure), 90 Shilling Ale is available all year round.  I enjoyed it on this forty degree night, but I can not imagine sucking one down after mowing the grass on a humid ninety degree day.  Nor could I see myself drinking one while watching football.  It’s just too refined.  Drink it while winding down on a blustery Autumn day, and you’ll be sure to enjoy 90 Shilling Ale.

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Beer Review: Columbus Brewing Company - 90 Shilling Ale, 8.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
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