Beer Review: Hub City Brewing Company Old Browne Porter
By Bodreau Sauvage
From the heart of Iowa comes…corn? Pigs? Miles and miles of rolling hills? Or a team the almost could have played for the 2009 NCAA National Championship in football?
No, No, No…it is the Hub City Brewing Company in Stanley, Iowa . Hub City offers seven beers from pale to stout. Although I have a preference for the darker beers, the Oatmeal Stout and Old Browne Porter are the best offerings. As an added feature each variety of beer has a picture of a historic locomotive on it for ease of identification. The Oatmeal Stout is my favorite but has not been available for several weeks. So I must settle for sipping my second favorite and the next in darkness; the Old Browne Porter. The label has the following steam locomotive…..
Old Browne Porter as you might guess is a Porter. It starts chocolatey and ends in the same fashion. The drink is smooth and perfect for the fall and the long windy winters of the great plains. The biggest detractor to Hub City is not related to taste. While the lighter beers always seem to be in the stores the darker beers are not always available. I also do not believe that the beers are nationally distributed .
I rate this beer as 3.o Big Beef and Beers.
If you like dark beers they just made a Rusian Imperial Stout called the Midnight Express.