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Beer Review: Fling Pale Ale from Pyramid Breweries

Have a Spring Fling of your own!

Fling coming this Spring!

Who cares if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow or not?  Spring has arrived and its liquid gold with a thin head and fine little bubbles that tickle my taste buds.  Spring is bottled by the Pyramid Breweries in the form of their Fling™ Pale Ale.

The Spring Fling is labeled as a pale ale but I did not find it to be as bitter as many others in this genré.  The hops were mellow and not at all overwhelming.  I liked to let the flavor linger after each sip.  This is not a beer that demands that I chug it to hide a nasty aftertaste.  It may sound silly, but its aftertaste reminds me of hot, melted, salty, semi-sweet butter on corn on the cob.  Each sip is like biting into a delicious ear of sweet corn slathered in Land O’ Lakes butter. Yummy!

Fling™ is medium bodied and slightly dry. The carbonation provides a little thirst quenching bite.  It would be easy, though to put down a six pack on a hot spring day; especially after mowing the grass.

The bar for beers from Pyramid Breweries was set pretty high when I was introduced to their Audacious™ Apricot Ale in the fall.  Their apricot ale is still my favorite, but Fling™  does not disappoint.  If Audacious™ is rated 5 Big Beef and Beers, Fling™ gets a solid 4 Big Beef and Beers.

Hurry up and get some now, though.  Its only available February through March.  If we get some nice days in March, I’ll pick up a six pack.  Spring usually comes later than sooner in the mid-west, and I’m afraid that most of us will miss our chance for a Spring Fling™.  Summer wheats often replace winter brews when Winter gives Spring a miss, and heads straight on into Summer.

Here’s some useful info from the brewer:

Alcohol By Volume:
2-Row, Caramel
Nugget, Willamette, Cascade/Fuggle hybrid
February – March
Best Paired With:
Burgers, Roasted Chicken, Cheeses (I had it with pizza – still delicious).
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